Hey everybody, before we get to the nitty gritty, we've got some book readings/events coming up in the next few days. Here's the necessary info., if you want to hang out and get fishy with us!
- Mechanics Institute Library -- Wednesday, 6pm 01/11/17
- Monterey Aquarium -- Thurs, 6pm, 01/12/17
- Adobe Books -- Sunday, 6pm, 01/29/17
Herring Update
If you want to be in the loop when the herring spawn follow me on Twitter or Instagram: @seaforager
Hi everybody! Writing this from my fire-warmed bunker high above the Pacific Ocean, watching happily as they waves crash down on Montara Reef and the rain makes rivers of our streets and driveways. Whoa, there go the lights… again.
The massive school of herring that was holding off of Point Richmond for weeks finally got whatever signal they were waiting for and ran shoreward for three deeply awe-inspiring days. (Friday-Sunday). Thanks to Brian H., (Agent 009) I was lucky enough to nail 'em on the first day of the spawn. Got just enough to give nine three pound bags to the folks who came to the Saturday night talk at the Berkeley Library. And just enough for the three bottles of sild in my fridge. Might just have to crack the aquavit and make an early day if it!
I haven't been to the Wharf yet this week (it's Tuesday 01/10/17) so I don't know if the commercials got any fish or not. The week of the opener was a bust, and then the Pt Richmond spawn started on Friday (no boats were there) and petered out Sunday afternoon. As commercial herring closes from Friday night to Sunday night it is likely that no one got them this week… but I'll know for sure tomorrow.
Light spawn on red algae. From the first day of the Pt Richmond Spawn. By sunday it was 1-inch thick
So as far as the areas most likely to go off in the next few days/weeks, here's my list
- Coyote/Burlingame/San Mateo -- just seems like that paltry spawn back in December couldn't be it for that area. Loren W., reports a wall of fish just off Coyote Pt.
- Fort Baker -- there are so many friggin fish stacked at the GG Bridge (north tower), it seems likely to me that there will be a big spawn from Fort Baker to the sewer plant and beyond.
- Downtown SF (Embarcadero to Islais Creek) -- I won't lie, the big SF spawn is always the one that gets me most excited. Hopefully they'll go back to Pier 14 again. Nice throwing from the shadow of that awful bow and arrow sculpture.
As to the folks who feel compelled to fill up garbage can after garbage can with herring, all I can say is: your days of wine and roses are coming to a close. Which is to say, I'm going to do everything in my power to get DFG to put a reasonable cap on recreational herring fishing next year. It's just getting to a point where people need to practice some restraint (I mean Goddamn!) And since they seem unable to do it on their own, I'm really hoping DFG will step in and do the right thing. In my own humble opinion, the rookies and amateurs who show up and drive off with 6 garbage cans loaded to the brim, will no doubt think twice about going fishing when the limit is 38 pounds.
Just thought I'd point out that the inshore fishing for crab is picking up--from beach, kayak, and Pacifica Pier. Or I should say, it was just starting to pick up when the big rains came in. How it will be when this storm blows over, I have no idea. On the commercial side, the crab strike ended so as soon as the raging waters die down a bit, there should be plenty of local crab for anyone with a mid January hankering.
And that will do it for my mid winter Mini update.
Hope to see you at on or near the Pacific Ocean!
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